Happy 1st Birthday sweet little man! We loved celebrating with you, and you sure did love your cake!!

Happy 1st Birthday sweet little man! We loved celebrating with you, and you sure did love your cake!!
How is it possible this sweet child is already ONE?!!!!!! Where on earth does the time go?! Sweet Braxton, you are SO loved + it's been the biggest joy to watch you grow right in front of my camera. Happy FIRST Birthday Braxton Michael, Auntie Em loves you so much! :0
A short trip down memory lane to his PRECIOUS newborn photos: here
This is so crazy to even be typing, I remember the day Grant was born like it was yesterday! It was a honor to photograph his birth, and his entire first year.
Loved helping this precious little one celebrate turing ONE!
It's been so much watching these two kids grow up right in front of my camera! Hard to believe that sweet Harper is already one, seems like yesterday we were taking her newborn photos! Enjoy her oh so sweet cake smash!
Sweet Briggs jumped in a few too!
Had so much fun smashing the cake with this adorable little girl in Holly Springs!