One year ago today we MOVED INTO KAY MANOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't believe it's already been a whole year, it's been more fun that I could have ever dreamed, making this house a HOME. I fall in love with it a little more everyday!
A year ago when we announced that we bought a house in Raleigh, it came as a surprise to some. It was a hard decision for me to move my business and call Raleigh my HOME. I love Greenville, always have and always will. Greenville continues to be a HUGE part of my life. It's full of some of the most loving and tender-hearted people I have ever met. I couldn't have dreamed of a better place to have some crucial years growing my business.
July of 2013 my Daddy battled some really tough health issues and at the same time BOTH my grandmother's health were in a progressive decline. It was some of the MOST difficult months for me and my family. Here I was with more friends that any girl could count, and the most successful year of my business. And while those wonderful times and memories I will carry for the rest of my life, my family, my home, was 4 hours away from it all. During those tough months, this funny, cute guy would send me text messages EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. without fail he would ask me what I ate for lunch (which usually made me go, oh dayum, I didn't eat lunch today). He cared for me in those months when I didn't even know what I needed, He kept me laughing and trusting that life was about to get so much better. We had our first date a five guys, I was wearing sweatpants and NO MAKEUP. That should tell you everything you need to know about Bryan right there. He's the best man I know, loyal, loving, funny, smart, and more than everything I ever wanted. Time progressed, and so did our love - I'll spare you the mushy gushy details, but you get where I'm going : )
We looked a few houses together and it was a total DISASTER. I learned just how controlling I was, and I am sure he learned that too! ;-) So I took 7 steps back, a chill pill or two, and let him take the lead. Flash forward to the FINAL WALK THROUGH. (The night before closing) The very first time I saw inside the house I was going to be calling home very soon. Indy & I showed up and there are few words I know to describe that moment. He bought the house of my DREAMS. It had all the details I had been blabbing about for months, and so many more that I hadn't even considered. I couldn't have built a more perfect house for us...and he chose it. It was a huge step in our relationship and helped in making my decision to leave Greenville.
The two puppies that make this house so fun and I are forever grateful for our Bryan who never fails to give us the absolute best he can.
I promised a year ago to take photos of the inside, and a whole year went by before I broke the camera out a did it, but without waiting any longer let us officially Welcome you to Kay Manor.
A year ago today, Indy welcomed everyone to her NEW HOUSE! Still forever one of my favorite photos!
Indy + Bossley central - it's been fun to find creative ways to make all their stuff look cute ;-)
Bryan's dad made that cabinet, and it's been perfect for dog stuff!
Among my favorite rooms, the kitchen ranks pretty high I love all the natural light, white cabinets, and the table my Granddad refinished.
As a little girl I dreamed for the day I would have a dinning room table to host, decorate, and share so many memories around. This BEAUTIFUL dinning room suite, that looks like it walked out of pottery barn is from Bryan's mom, and one he remembers fondly growing up!
These place settings are made complete with my Great- Grandmothers white linens, and handmade napkin rings! The highchair was brought back on the back of a cattle train car by my great great grandfather, and refinished by my Granddad. A staple in our family for years, I can't wait to have little ones someday to sit it in too! ;-)
My sweet, never really clean, filled with puppies office that I adore so much.
obsessed with our target shower curtain!
We have yet to finish painting our bedroom... someday...
Our guest room, which has been blessed by so many people this year! Olaf says he's ready for more visitors!
Love this wall... can't wait to fill it with more memories of our own!
A end table built by my Granddad & a babydoll chair of my Nanas