Before your read all of this, I SOLEMNLY (and gratefully) promise to take family portraits until I am physically unable to hold a camera. Watching your family grow is something I will NEVER ever give up because I love it so much! ♥️
I cried when I shot this photo Saturday, taking it all in. I’ll cherish this moment in time forever.
They start a journey and they end one. I was sitting in my car preparing to shoot my last wedding this past Saturday and I was reminiscing about a girl who was pep talking herself all those years ago - my very first wedding. Some might wonder why I’m making a public announcement, but here’s the thing I need closure. I needed to look back on this journey and know that I saw it to its completion. I see it as a sign of great strength to recognize a dream and to be able to adapt that dream to the changing moments of life.
It feels bittersweet to say goodbye to something that’s been such a HUGE part of my life. While saying goodbye isn’t easy on me, in fact this time last fall I was preparing a blog post announcing my last wedding, but something kept whispering to me that it wasn’t the right time.
I felt a tug on my heart that said “ you got this, one last time.”
I grew up behind a camera. Every shot made me a better person. I’ve learned more in the last 8 years than I’ve learned my entire life. You taught me to love hard and to cherish every single minute of life. To laugh to keep from crying, and that loving those around you will far surpass any stress a wedding day could bring. You taught me I had more strength than I ever dreamed possible. Most of all, you taught me that having a dream and working hard for that is something worth RISKING IT ALL!
My hope for YOU is that you recognize a DREAM inside you and you have the COURAGE to give it all of yourself..It’s your dream. There’s no right or wrong. Just don’t hold back.
I gave shooting weddings ALL OF ME. It’s something I’m extremely proud of. II look back at these years, with hundreds of wedding days, and I have NO regrets because I know in my heart I gave it my best.
Know that I carry every minute, every shot, every smile - all of it, in my heart forever.
Lastly, THANK YOU from the bottom to my heart for helping to make my dreams come true. I am forever grateful for the people I have met and the places I have been. I look forward to watching your families grow over the years!! 😘